Return to Truth-Line

Crime Piper

Crime Piper mainly focuses on the Community. Information regarding selling of drugs, buying and selling of stolen goods, general fraud and theft and other criminal behavior may be reported here. Client specific reports must be done on our NERMF Truth-line report.

We understand that the decision to come forward with information about illegal activity is not one taken lightly and we will do our best to assure that your identity stays protected. You are welcome to stay anonymous although we found that many “reporters” want to be involved in the follow up processes and/or investigations. By making use of the “Unique Code Name”, CrimePiper do enable you to request feedback or divulge further information regarding the initial report.

CrimePiper Report Form


    It is your right to stay anonymous and we may not and shall not divulge your identity to anyone, but we may have to follow up with yourself regarding your report but we shall not do so without your consent. Please enter your own "Code Name" for possible future communication or if you want revert to this report at a later stage.

    Your unique code name (required)

    Unfortunately false reports are received from time to time and we do request an email address if possible. If you do not want to divulge any email address please copy and paste our email, into the required field.

    Your Email (required)


    Please see the indicators below on what information should be divulged as far as possible.

    Your Message

    The report must contain as much information as is readily available by following the questions-

    A)                 Who?

    B)                 Where?

    C)                 When?

    D)                 What?

    E)                  Why?

    F)                  How?

    Please complete the form with as much detail as possible.

    B) Where?

    Just for clarity on our side, please enter the Suburb, Town or Area where the activity did occur or are going to occur.