Investigation Services |
NERMF provides professional, confidential investigative services to attorneys, corporations, insurance companies, small businesses, including private investigations. NERMF has direct access to the expertise of some of the most experienced and skilled investigators and service providers, depending on the type of services and the direct need.
If you are in need of any of the investigative services provided by us, please call for more information or visit us for a free consultation. Firstly we will work with you to ascertain what allegations must be investigated, what proof we need, what proof we have, whether we have a case and or look at what other avenues can be followed. There are many types of investigations ranging form civil to criminal, regulatory to procedural and sometimes a set of facts does not fall into a specific category Only after we established that we are in the position to help you, we will provide a thorough investigation within your budget requirements.
An investigation is the process followed to find answers to questions and/or to find proof to allegations. Below are brief descriptions of some of the services that are offered, but if you do not see the service you need, contact us, because the chances are very good that we may be able to offer you other options or even assist in referring you to another agency that can help with your investigation.
Criminal investigations:
There are many kinds of criminal investigations, including commercial, fraud, rape, sexual crimes, theft, kidnapping, assault, homicide to name only a few. Although it is the SAPS’s primary function to investigate these crimes, a growing awareness of the problems only relying on this method has forced many people to seek independent investigations. It is public knowledge that the Police services are so overwhelmed with crime that not all criminal investigations get the resources they need. After initial investigation, the Police will hunt for a criminal for a while and then designate a case “cold.” By obtaining the services of a private investigator who is not only exclusively dedicated to solving a case, but he or she is often not bound by the limitations of resources and jurisdiction that a law enforcement agency must contend with.
Civil Investigations:
When you need to establish facts surrounding a legal manner, our investigators can expose evidence necessary to build cases, crucial in winning or losing a case. NERMF’s trained investigators make use of different resources to locate and interview potential witnesses, obtain statements, safeguard evidence and communicate with your legal team when necessary.
Some of the more common civil investigations:
- Accident scenes – investigate and document.
- Domestic surveillance – nanny cams, caregiver background checks, security surveillance.
- Injury investigations ( Personal/Insurance) – To find out whether / how an injury has occurred.
- Workers compensation investigations – General and Insurance fraud.
- Background / Due Diligence checks
- Asset searches – uncover hidden funds and valuables owned by debtors, companies, and individuals.
- Missing persons investigations.
- Child custody and child abuse investigations – uncover possible negligence and mistreatment of minors.
- Marital investigations – include partner surveillance to domestic abuse investigations, pre-marital investigations, and cheating spouse investigations. Martial investigations are not seen as one of our primary investigative concerns and we will only engage in an investigation if we have the necessary resources available.
- Skip Tracing – Skip trace services are often used by attorneys and business. One of our most popular reasons for skip tracing is to find a “skip” who skipped bail or a person that has outstanding debt where we obtain an actual address where the Sheriff of the Court can deliver a subpoena.