We can’t always control our circumstances but planning ahead is a very good bet!
Nermf has a clear ambition to drive future growth through diversification and has identified several strategic opportunities within the security and services market. By enhancing our current abilities and offering a range of new and different services and opportunities to our clients we gained a few competitive advantages as a “small” security and services provider.
Nermf is aiming to take a leadership position in the Forensic and Security network and we are making important and strategic training investments today to realise our objective to expand in this market. We are accelerating our growth by delivering new advanced products and solutions for new sectors, and markets through new channels, offering great customer value.
Q’s and A’s
How is NERMF’s general pricing?
By keeping an eye on competitor movements when it comes to pricing and competitive advantages we always try to keep our services market-related or trending. Unfortunately in a price-sensitive situation we can only compete favourably, with our main competitors by utilising better and more affordable structures, services or solutions through product and service differentiation.
How do you justify your pricing structure?
By distinguishing our products and/or services even if, our pricing is higher than competitors. If it is comfortably sustainable and there are ways and means to lower our profit margin to that of a competitor, without impacting on our service delivery and if it is within the ambits of the law, then it may be a calculated to move to lower prices or at least hold back on large or sudden price increases. We attempt to keep your overheads low by streamlining our and your expenses to have a greater competitive edge and more easily be able to sustain ourselves when consumer trends and market forces dictate that pricing simply must be revisited.
We can especially mention guarding services in this instance, where there is indeed a very high competitive on-going “price war”. We shall not lower our fees to “escape” certain fees payable by law and thereby putting ourselves as well as our clients at risk. As far as Guarding services go, Your Satisfaction = Your Money = Your risk + Your Asset + Your Life + Applicable Statuary Payments = Our Risks + Our Personnel + Our Equipment + Applicable Statuary Payments + Client Satisfaction.
How do NERMF plan to keep our ideal pricing structure intact?
As a small business, we constantly endeavour to reduce fixed and other costs and attempt to remain flexible and aware of changes in consumer behaviour and industry forces that could influence pricing, focussing on better valued services when we cannot compete with the bigger rivals. This does not involve giveaways, but could be a strategic benefit based on understanding client needs (for instance free training seminars or our FIR service).
Are NERMF realistic in their pricing model.
NERMF remain competitively priced and add as much value as possible, without depleting any viability. By adding package deals to our repertoire not only boosts our service collection, but is a great excuse to market and connect with past, current and future clients. We believe in a good and well-packaged priced deal that also ensure customer loyalty.